drupal error: function.unserialize, errro at offset...

Error Message:

Notice: unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset XX of YY bytes in variable_initialize() (line XXX of /home/<sitename>/public_html/includes/bootstrap.inc)

This message usually shows up after an installation of the product, either directly or via an installer such as softaculous.


We have not found a reliable answer on the web.  However, one of our customers seems to have identified the issue.

When installing they put an apostrophe (') in the site name.  If improperly escaped when being inserted into the database, it could cause a parsing malfunction later on during execution of the underlying code.
Never put apostrophes, single or double quotes, parends, braces, etc., in operational names as they can break parsing engines.
The customer corrected the sitename and the problem went away.

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